Thursday, December 16, 2010

Basic Firewall Rule Config using the Cisco FWSM

Hello All,
Per a request from on of my server admins I am adding some basic rule configuration for a Cisco FWSM.    If you are looking for basic firewall configurations and getting started I recommend the Cisco Install Guide for the FWSM.  This site is available without login.

Where confusion has happened in the past in my department is how and where to create rules to allow traffic to pass through the firewall and block traffic that you do not want.

All my examples will be using this logical diagram:

This network could be physically designed as 1 6500 with the supervisor being used as the router a FWSM blade and the different networks being different vlans.

Lets start with a few concepts:

Like all Cisco products the FWSM has interfaces, these are virtual and created from the VLANs assigned to the module in the 6500 or the 7500 config (See the link above to see how to configure this).  Unlike other Cisco products all interfaces are assigned a security level.  This security level is a ranking of interfaces from least secure to most secure, the higher the number the more secure the interface.  Understand this ranking may or may not reflect "actual" security a bad config could compromise any level of security that you may have.  Later in this blog I will refer to a higher and lower secure interfaces this comes back to this ranking.  For example, an interface ranked security 100 is a higher security level than an interface of rank 10 or even rank 99.  You can have two interfaces ranked at an equal level and you can configure the firewall to interpret that in two ways.  First, it will treat the other interface as a lower security level than itself so all the rules I talk about later would apply in this case, or you can treat it as an open link and the firewall will freely allow traffic to pass, assuming the access lists applied allow it.  Usually your external Internet connection is the lowest security interface on the firewall.

So basic config of the interfaces assuming a FWSM:
interface Vlan15
  description Internet Connection
  nameif Internet
  security-level 0
  ip address
interface Vlan20
  description DMZ Interface
  nameif DMZ
  security-level 10
  ip address
interface Vlan25
  description Inside Interface
  nameif Inside
  security-level 20
  ip address

To traverse from a higher security interface to a lower security interface you need to create a NAT.  What you are doing is exposing the machine that is on the higher security interface to the lower security interface.  You need some sort of NAT to facilitate any communication from a lower security interface to a higher security interface.  The source is always the higher security interface and the destination is always the lower security interface.  If you find you are creating a NAT from the lower security interface as the source and the higher security interface as the destination you are probably doing something wrong. There are two types of NATs static and dynamic and each of those has two types.

Static NATs: 
This is a 1 to 1 NAT that is a permanent translation.  You use static NATs for things like servers on the higher security interface that machines in the lower security interface need to initiate a connection to.  In our example, the web server communicating back to a database server, the database server is be on the higher security interface and the web server the lower, but the web server would initiate all communications to the database server.  The Cisco recognizes two types standard and transparent.  A standard NAT translates the IP address from the original IP address out the higher security interface to a local address (on the same subnet) on the lower security interface.  The source address does not have to be on the same subnet as the higher security interface, but the firewall's routing table must have a working route back to the subnet the source address is on.  With a transparent NAT you use the original source address for both the source address and the destination address.  You still set the source interface as the higher security interface and the destination as the lower security interface.

So configuring a standard static NAT for the database server we would assign an IP address on the DMZ vlan for the server we will use  Now the config is as follows:
static (Inside,DMZ) netmask

This command is a little confusing I am going to rewrite it with identifiers not an actual workable command.
static (<Source Interface>,<Destination Interface>) <Translated Address> <Source Address> netmask <NETMASK>

Now the web server will address the database server with the IP address not the address  This can cause complete nightmares with DNS servers so to solve this issue we use transparent NAT, the configuration looks almost exactly the same but the translated address is the same as the source address.

Transparent NAT config:
static (Inside,DMZ) netmask

Now the web server would access the database server as it's original IP address of

Dynamic NATs:
Dynamic NATs do not create a permanent translation but will dynamically create a translation when a machine on a higher security interface wants to contact a machine on a lower security interface.  This is a more secure connection type because the machine's IP address seen by the machine on the lower security interface will change over time.  DO NOT assume this is the only security you need, once the NAT is dynamically created it will be accessible from the lower security interface.  The timeout here by default on the FWSM is 3:00 hours, and that counter is reset every time the machine communicates across the firewall.  Dynamic NATs come in two flavors, a 1 to 1 setup also called a dynamic NAT or a many to 1 setup also called a PAT.  In the 1 to 1 setup a machine on the higher security interface gets assigned an unique IP address on the lower security interface. In the many to 1 setup many machines on the higher security interface get assigned to a single IP address on the lower security interface. 

Configuring dynamic NATs can be a bit convoluted on the FWSM.  We use two commands global and NAT.  What my config example here will show is it will do a 1 to 1 translation into the DMZ and a many to 1 translation to the Internet.  Again the commands are almost the same, but the many to 1 translation requires a range of IP addresses.

FWSM Config:
global (DMZ) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 5 netmask
nat (Inside) 5
nat (Inside) 5

So the global command assigns the translated IP addresses and the NAT command limits the source addresses.  So in the above example anything on the or the network would be allowed to access the DMZ and the Internet connection using the above IP addresses.  The 5 after the interface name allows for the firewall to attach the global command group to the NAT command group.  The following two examples will show uses of multiple groups.

In this example I will assign the network different address ranges than the network.
global (DMZ) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 5 netmask
global (DMZ) 6 netmask
global (Internet) 6 netmask
nat (Inside) 5
nat (Inside) 6

In the above example the network will get translated to the range in the DMZ and when going to the Internet.  The range will get translated to the range in the DMZ and when going to the Internet.

The second example I will assign an outgoing range for the DMZ to get to the Internet.
global (DMZ) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 30 netmask
nat (Inside) 5
nat (Inside) 5
nat (DMZ) 30

So here we have two different interfaces allowed to go out.  Notice I did not create a rule for the DMZ to the inside.  As I said earlier if you are creating a NAT translation from a lower security interface to a higher one you are probably doing something wrong.

We are now half way there to allowing traffic to flow through our firewall.

Access Lists:
The last thing you need is to give permission for data to pass from one interface to another.  In the FWSM any inbound traffic that is not from an already established connection will need a rule in an access list to go through the firewall.  Here is where you need to be careful with the FWSM, because unlike the old PIXs you will need to permit traffic going to lower security interfaces, but if you do a permit all rule it will allow the lower security interfaces to connect to any machine that has a current NAT into that interface including dynamic ones.  So for your lowest security interface you end with the implicit deny all and for your highest security interface you add as a last line a permit all, the problem is the middle security interfaces where you need rules to deny to higher security interfaces but permit to all the lower ones. It is important to note that access lists look for applicable rules from top to bottom, second unless you specify line numbers if you add a rule to the access list it will be added to the end of the list.

Here is a basic access list example we are permitting traffic on tcp port 1433 from the web server to the database server.

We will assume we have the standard NAT in place:
static (Inside,DMZ) netmask

First we need to write the access list:
access-list DMZ_in extended permit tcp host host eq 1433

So we have source IP destination IP (translated IP) and port.

Now we need to assign an access list to the interface:
access-group DMZ_in in interface DMZ

This next example adds access list lines to allow the DMZ interface to talk to the Internet but not talk to the internal networks without setting specific permissions.

access-list DMZ_in extended permit tcp host host eq 1433
access-list DMZ_in extended deny ip any
access-list DMZ_in extended deny ip any
access-list DMZ_in extended permit ip any any

Two things here, first the access list is applied before the NAT translation happened on the inbound interface, so we are using the preNAT IP address for the database server.  Second we want a permit any at the end so we do not have to configure every IP range on the Internet.

So now we move on to the basic steps to adding another rule.

1. Make sure the traffic passes through the firewall.
2. Make sure you have a NAT translation for the machine on the higher security interface.
3. Make sure you add a rule to the access-list on the lower security interface, and the higher one too if applicable.

Finally, I will provide a full config for what we have talked about here, I am going to add an additional NAT to the Internet interface to allow port 80 and 443 traffic to go to the web server.

Final Config:
interface Vlan15
  description Internet Connection
  nameif Internet
  security-level 0
  ip address
interface Vlan20
  description DMZ Interface
  nameif DMZ
  security-level 10
  ip address
interface Vlan25
  description Inside Interface
  nameif Inside
  security-level 20
  ip address
static (Inside,DMZ) netmask
static (DMZ,Internet) netmask
global (DMZ) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 5 netmask
global (Internet) 30 netmask
nat (Inside) 5
nat (Inside) 5
nat (DMZ) 30
access-list Internet_in extended permit tcp any host eq www
access-list Internet_in extended permit tcp any host eq 443
access-list DMZ_in extended permit tcp host host eq 1433
access-list DMZ_in extended deny ip any
access-list DMZ_in extended deny ip any
access-list DMZ_in extended permit ip any any
access-list Inside_in extended permit ip any any
access-group Internet_in in interface Internet
access-group DMZ_in in interface DMZ
access-group Inside_in in interface Inside

Happy Networking

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